Ann M. Stirling is the former owner of QDRO Solutions, LLC, a nationwide firm, which provides Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) drafting services to persons who are emerging from their separation or divorce. Ann's experience and expertise was acknowledged by David Carrad in the go to book on QDRO's, "The Complete QDRO Handbook Dividing ERISA, Military, and Civil Service Pensions and Collecting Child Support from Employee Benefit Plans, Third Edition." QDRO Solutions, LLC is frequently appointed by family court judges in cases all across the country to prepare QDRO's at the end of a divorce case or for payment of alimony or child support because of the professionalism, experience and strong reputation QDRO Solutions, LLC is recognized for. Ann started practicing law in 1974, concentrating in family law. In January, 2008, she expanded her practice to preparing QDRO's and other Orders dividing retirement and pension plans, and did so until her retirement in May, 2016. Ann has now placed QDRO Solutions, LLC into the capable hands of Michael P. O'Connell. Michael, who also has an active family law practice, has been trained and is highly competent in the drafting of QDRO's. Michael has easily assumed the role previously held by Ann because of the depth of Ann's experience.
In addition to Michael, much of the QDRO work for QDRO Solutions, LLC is performed by Donna Dodds, Michael's Assistant. With these resources, you will have what you cannot get at other QDRO division companies. An experienced lawyer, with many combined years of experience in family law and the preparation of appropriate retirement and pension plan Orders, aided by a very able legal assistant, with a great deal of experience, knowledge and training in the area of QDRO's, retirement and pension division.
Michael O’Connell is the owner of QDRO Solutions, LLC and also the owner of Stirling & O’Connell. Michael has been practicing law continuously since 1975. Since going into private practice in 1996, 50% to 70% of his practice has been representing clients in complex family law cases.
Michael understands the intricacies of Qualified Domestic Relations Orders and appreciates the importance of how to frame divisions of retirements and pensions in agreements or court orders so the QDROs can reflect the intent of parties in their agreements or the intent of a judge if the case was tried. QDRO Solutions, LLC can effectively resolve all issues relevant to the divisions of complex retirements or pensions, including government and military plans.
QDRO Solutions, LLC provides efficient, effective and professional services to customers nationwide. Unlike many other drafters of QDROs who offer their services at bargain rates, QDRO Solutions gets the QDROs pre-approved by the retirement or pensions custodians before they are presented to a judge, gets the pre-approved QDROs to the parties or their lawyers as soon as possible and also provides customers with cover letters and additional information on how to complete the filing process for one flat rate.
Michael is assisted by Donna Dodds. Donna will be your principal contact at QDRO Solutions, LLC. She will be available to help you on a continuous and ongoing basis until the completion of your QDRO. She can be contacted either by email or by phone. Donna has over thirty years of experience as a legal assistant in family law. She was trained by David Carrad on the complexities of various QDROs prior to the transfer of QDRO Solutions, Inc. and has continued working with QDRO Solutions since.
David Clayton Carrad was the founder and original owner of QDRO Solutions, LLC until Ann took it over from him in 2008. Mr. Carrad wrote the go to book for QDRO divisions for lawyers (The Complete QDRO Handbook: Division ERISA, Military and Civil Service Pensions in Divorce Cases and Collecting Child Support from Employee Benefit Plans). His expertise in this area is recognized nationwide. He dedicated the latest version of his book to Ann.
On January 1, 2008, Ann M. Stirling became the owner of QDRO Solutions, LLC. Mr. Clayton remained on our team as an expert until his death on April 11, 2016.